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​​​R - District 53
Smithfield, Glocester
(401) 286-5854​
10 Appletown Road,
Greenville, RI 02828

Representative Paul M. Santucci

Member, House Environment and Natural Resources Committee

Member, House Innovation and Technology Committee

Member, House Small Business Committee​

Chair, House Veterans' Affairs Committee

Member, House Conduct Committee

Paul Santucci represents the residents of House District 53, covering portions of Smithfield and Glocester. He was appointed to serve on five House standing committees: Environment and Natural Resources, Innovation and Technology, Small Business, Veterans’ Affairs, and Conduct.

Representative Santucci has an impressive career in public service. In 2017-2018, Santucci served as the Smithfield Town Council President, where he spearheaded changes for the locally-run (legacy) Smithfield police and fire pensions. He also worked on the 2020 Charter Review Commission, in conjunction with the Rhode Island Department of Education, to craft a capital plan for the entire town.  He served on the Water Advisory Commission for the Smithfield Water Supply Board that refurbished water tanks and helped make their water system more resilient. He was also a member of the Smithfield (EMA) Community Emergency Response Team. 

Outside of public service, Santucci has been a 20-year volunteer as coordinator/team member/worker at God's Little Acre, located at St. Philip Church.  This program supplies fresh produce to those who are in financial need. He also volunteered at the Rhode Island Department of Corrections Intake Center's Ministry Program, which “was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life."

Professionally, since 1992, Santucci works as a financial advisor, with his office located in Lincoln.

Santucci has called Smithfield his home for 55 years.  He has been married to his wife Liz for 33 years, and has two children, Nick and Marissa.