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D - District 9
(401) 753-8114
Room B-07A, Rhode Island State House
Providence, RI 02903

Representative Enrique Sanchez

Member, House Corporations Committee

Member, House Special Legislation Committee


Rep. Enrique Sanchez (D-Dist. 9, Providence) was elected to the Rhode Island House of Representatives in November 2022. He is a member of the House Corporations Committee and the House Special Legislation Committee.

During his first term, Representative Sanchez cosponsored new laws to increase the notice residential landlords must give to tenants about rent increases and to increase the benefits provides by RI Works, the cash assistance and work-readiness program for low-income children and their families. 

He also sponsored many bills, including legislation to make school meals free to all students, pay health care workers overtime on Sundays and holidays, improve technical and vocational training, push back against the closing of neighborhood schools, foster accountability at DCYF, recruit more RIPTA drivers, and increase Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) participation.

Born on July 10, 1996, Representative Sanchez is a graduate of Rhode Island College, earning a degree in Public Relations in 2019. He works as a case manager helping undocumented young people.​