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​​​​​District 1 
(401) 442-6973

Senator Jacob E. Bissaillon

Chair, Senate Committee on Housing & Municipal Government

Secretary​, Senate Committee on Judiciary
Member, Senate Committee on Rules, Government Ethics & Oversight

Member, Senate Committee on Education

Jacob Bissaillon is a Democrat representing District 1 (Providence) in the Rhode Island Senate.

Elected to the Senate in a November 2023 special election, Sen. Bissaillon is an experienced advocate and public administrator who has held numerous leadership positions in state and local government. Currently, he is employed as Chief Executive Officer of Justice Assistance, which is a Rhode Island based non-profit that provides services to individuals involved with the justice system. 

Jake served as Chief of Staff for Rhode Island Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio for three legislative sessions from 2021-2023. Before that, he worked as legal counsel to former Senate Majority Leader Michael J. McCaffrey and Chief of Staff to the Providence City Council under Council President Michael A. Solomon. During his time in leadership positions on the Senate staff, Sen. Bissaillon played a role in advancing significant legislation across a range of policy areas, including passage of the historic Act on Climate; comprehensive changes to Rhode Island criminal law referred to as “Justice Reinvestment"; adoption of the Let RI Vote Act to expand ballot access; enactment of common-sense gun safety laws, including a prohibition on high-capacity magazines; establishment of a $15 minimum wage; issuance of child tax credits to support Rhode Island families; tax relief for seniors, families, and businesses, including the phase-out of the car tax; and more.

Sen. Bissaillon was born on April 6, 1987. The oldest of three siblings, Jake is the son of Ernie and Ellen, who are public school teachers. Jake studied political science at Providence College after graduating from St. John's Preparatory School in Danvers, Massachusetts. He earned his bachelor's degree in 2009 and an MBA in 2010. He graduated from Roger Williams University School of Law in 2016 and is admitted to practice law in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Jake's political involvement began during his time at Providence College, when he worked as a student organizer for former President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign.

Jake and his wife, Kim, have two dogs, Winnie and Winston. He lives in Providence's Elmhurst neighborhood.