Senator Mark McKenney
Chair, Senate Committee on Rules, Government Ethics & Oversight
Vice Chair, Senate Committee on Judiciary
Member, Senate Committee on Education
Mark McKenney is a Democrat representing District 30 (Warwick) in the Rhode Island Senate.
Sen. McKenney first served in the Senate from 2019-2020 and was again elected in November 2022.
During his first term in the Senate, he served as Secretary of the Senate Committee on Rules, Government Ethics, & Oversight, as a member of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, and as a member of the Senate Committee on Special Legislation & Veterans' Affairs.
Sen. McKenney is an attorney and small business owner at McKenney, Clarkin & Estey, LLP in Providence. He graduated from Warwick Public Schools; Bishop Hendricken High School; Boston College; Catholic University - Columbus School of Law. He also studied at the University of Kent at Canterbury, England.
Before joining the Senate, he played a key role in bringing together the business community, insurance companies, and labor leaders during the successful overhaul and reform of Rhode Island's workers' compensation system.
Sen. McKenney has been active with many community organizations and nonprofits, including service as Chair of the State Library Board, President of the Providence Community Library, and President of Literacy Volunteers of Rhode Island.
Sen. McKenney was born on October 9, 1956. He is married to Tricia (Cronin) and has three adult children: Caitlin, Cara, and Dan.
He can be reached via or at 401-578-6258.