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2/3/2021 Sen. Lombardi: Plans to administer vaccine need to be clearer, organized by age
STATE HOUSE — Sen. Frank S. Lombardi today called for a better vaccine distribution plan for Rhode Islanders.
“I have heard from numerous frustrated constituents, and I can understand where they’re coming from. No one knows how to schedule their vaccination. There’s no consistency from one community to the next. And there is no clear plan to vaccinate the elderly who are most at risk of severe complications from COVID-19,” said Senator Lombardi (D–Dist. 26, Cranston).
He noted that, in Cranston, he heard about a phone number for seniors to call to schedule their inoculations. Senator Lombardi tried the number himself, all day long, but was unable to get through. He also observed that there are seven public housing residences in his district, and most of the people who live in them are elderly. He has heard from many of those residents.
“I share their frustration,” he said. “We need a clearer plan. And we need to prioritize residents based on age.”
Confusion and uncertainty are the problem, he said. “It would be one thing if an elder knew what to do to schedule a vaccine, even if it’s for a few weeks out. But the process is different from community to community. Rhode Islanders are confused. Also, the New York Times reports that every other state in the country is prioritizing based on age. We need to be more aggressive about doing the same prioritization here in Rhode Island. Let’s make sure that the vaccine is readily available to the elderly.”

For more information, contact:
Daniel Trafford, Publicist
State House Room 20
Providence, RI 02903