MEDIA ADVISORY: House and Senate committees to take up legislation for reapportionment of General Assembly districts
STATE HOUSE — Committees in both the House and Senate have scheduled meetings to hear testimony on legislation that would reapportion House, Senate and congressional districts.
The House Committee on State Government and Elections is scheduled to meet Monday, Feb. 7, at 4 p.m. in room 35 in the basement of the State House to hear testimony on the House bill (2022-H 7323).
Written testimony is strongly encouraged and may be submitted via HouseStateGovernmentandElections@rilegislature.gov. Masks are mandatory in committee hearings and in the State House.
The meeting will air live on Capitol Television, which can be seen on Cox Channels 15 and 61, on Full Channel on Channel 15 and on Channel 34 by Verizon subscribers. The meetings will also be live streamed at http://rilegislature.gov/CapTV/Pages/default.aspx.
The Senate Committee on Judiciary will meet virtually Tuesday, Feb. 8 at the rise of the Senate (about 4: 30 p.m.) to hear the Senate version of the bill (2022-S 2162). This meeting will be streamed live streamed at http://rilegislature.gov/CapTV/Pages/default.aspx.
All public testimony for this hearing will be virtual. Written testimony can be submitted to the committee by emailing it to: slegislation@rilegislature.gov.
The state constitution calls for the General Assembly to reapportion its districts as well as the two congressional districts after each 10-year federal census. To that end, a commission was appointed to propose new district maps to the General Assembly.
The commission was co-chaired by Sen. Stephen R. Archambault (D-Dist. 22, Smithfield, North Providence, Johnston) and Rep. Robert D. Phillips (D-Dist. 51, Woonsocket, Cumberland), who introduced the reapportionment legislation in their respective chambers.
For more information, contact: Daniel Trafford, Publicist State House Room 20 Providence, RI 02903 (401)222-1922