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4/8/2024 MEDIA ADVISORY: House Finance Committee meets three times this week to hear a variety of bills
STATE HOUSE – The House Finance Committee will meet three times this week to hear testimony on a variety of legislation.

On Tuesday, April 9 at the RISE of the House (approximately 4:45 p.m.) in Room 35 of the State House the committee will meet to hear testimony on several bills.

Among the legislation scheduled to be heard are the following bills:
  • 2024-H 7186, sponsored by Rep. Joshua J. Giraldo (D-Dist. 56, Central Falls), includes municipal detention facility corporations as exempt from taxation, and requires that an amount equal to 27% of all tax that would have been collected if the property was taxable be paid to the municipality annually.
  • 2024-H 7478, sponsored by Rep. Joseph J. Solomon, Jr. (D-Dist. 22, Warwick), provides that a business unable to meet its first-year employment level under the Qualified Jobs Tax Credit Program would not lose eligibility for tax credits in the remaining years of an award under the program.
  • 2024-H 7675, sponsored by Rep. Brian J. Rea (R-Dist. 53, Smithfield, Glocester), phases out the local meals and beverage tax by January 1, 2028.
  • 2024-H 7933, sponsored by Rep. Jennifer A. Stewart (D-Dist. 59, Pawtucket), sunsets and discontinues the Jobs Development Act rate reduction as of July 1, 2024.
On Wednesday, April 10 at 4 p.m. in Room 35, the committee will meet to hear testimony on several bills.

Among the legislation scheduled to be heard are the following bills:
  • 2024-H 7491, sponsored by Rep. William W. O’Brien (D-Dist. 54, North Providence), authorizes the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority to enter into certain projects and procure related services including the transit center project, using design build contracting and progressive design build contracting.
  • 2024-H 7674, sponsored by Rep. Arthur Handy (D-Dist. 18, Cranston), exempts new or used bicycles from sale and use tax.
  • 2024-H 7677, sponsored by Rep. Mary Ann Shallcross Smith (D-Dist. 46, Lincoln, Pawtucket), requires that all inspections, cleaning and maintenance and repairs of sidewalks along state highway and municipal roads, with the exception of snow and ice removal, be the responsibility of the state.
  • 2024-H 7774, sponsored by Rep. Karen Alzate (D-Dist. 60, Pawtucket, Central Falls), would authorize the appropriation of the sum of $78,000,000 to the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority.
On Thursday, April 11 at the RISE of the House in Room 35, the committee will hear testimony on several bills.

Among the legislation scheduled to be heard are the following bills:
  • 2024-H 7121, sponsored by Rep. Robert D. Phillips (D-Dist. 51, Woonsocket, Cumberland), limits the assessment of interest to four calendar years prior to the date on which notice of the delinquent payment is sent to the taxpayer.
  • 2024-H 7407, sponsored by Rep. Susan R. Donovan (D-Dist. 69, Bristol, Portsmouth), provides tax credits to any private entity that gives paid time off to an employee who is an organ donor.
  • 2024-H 7541, sponsored by Rep. Brandon T. Voas (D-Dist. 57, Cumberland, Central Falls), permits hit and run victims suffering serious bodily injury to recover under the Crime Victim Compensation Program.
  • 2024-H 7542, sponsored by Rep. Mia A. Ackerman (D-Dist. 45, Cumberland, Lincoln), changes the inspection requirement for a new motor vehicle from two years to five years from the date of purchase.
  • 2024-H 7994, sponsored by Rep. Robert E. Craven (D-Dist. 32, North Kingstown), increase the motion picture tax credit to $10,000,000 and then to $15,000,000 for 2026 and the total available credits to $40,000,000 for 2025 and $50,000,000 for 2026 and eliminates the sunset provision.
Also, on Tuesday, April 9 at 3 p.m. in Room 35, the House Finance Subcommittee on Public Safety, chaired by Rep. Camille Vella-Wilkinson (D-Dist. 21, Warwick), will hear the FY 24 Supplemental and FY 25 state budgets for Department of Public Safety.

The meetings will be televised by Capitol Television, which can be seen on Cox channel 61, on i3Broadband channel 15 and on Verizon channel 34. It will be live streamed at

For more information, contact:
Larry Berman, Communications Director for the Office of the Speaker
State House Room 322
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 222-2466