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5/13/2024 Media Advisory: House Health, Human Services Committee to vote on AED bill
STATE HOUSE – The House Health and Human Services Committee meets tomorrow to vote on legislation to require all health care facilities to keep a functional automatic external defibrillator (AED) on site, and have at least one person who is trained in its use.

The committee is scheduled to meet tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14, at the rise of the House session (sometime after 4:30 p.m.) in Room 101 on the first floor of the State House. The committee is scheduled to vote on:
  • 2024-H 7517— Sponsored by Rep. Arthur J. Corvese (D-Dist. 55, North Providence), this bill will require all health care facilities to have an AED and at least one person trained in its use. The committee is to consider an amendment to the bill.
The committee will also hold hearings on:
  •  2024-H 8237 — This bill sponsored by Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (D-Dist. 19, Warwick, Cranston) establishes that the elective and/or independent administration of propofol and all FDA classified general anesthetics for any surgery or procedure is not within the scope of practice of nurse practitioners.
The meeting will be televised on Capitol Television, which can be seen on Cox channel 61, on i3Broadband channel 15 and on Verizon channel 34. It will be live streamed at
Testimony will be accepted in person or in writing via email to Written testimony must include a name and any applicable organization, the bill number(s) and viewpoint (for/against/neither). It will be considered a public document.

For more information, contact:
Larry Berman, Communications Director for the Office of the Speaker
State House Room 322
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 222-2466