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5/15/2024 Nurses Association presents Speaker Pro Tempore Kennedy with President’s Award
STATE HOUSE — The Rhode Island State Nurses Association presented House Speaker Pro Tempore Brian Patrick Kennedy (D-Dist. 38, Hopkinton, Westerly) with its President’s Award on May 9, honoring him for his sponsorship of the Nurse Licensure Compact Act that was signed into law last year.

Kennedy had chaired a commission to develop recommendations for legislation (2023-H 5737A) that saw Rhode Island join and adopt the Interstate Nurse Licensure Compact. The law creates an enhanced and more comprehensive version of the accord to allow nurses to hold a multi-state license and allows them to practice across state lines without having to obtain multiple state licenses.

“I am honored to be recognized by the Rhode Island Nurses Association,” said Representative Kennedy. “I have deep respect for the tireless work that nurses do, and I was proud to sponsor this legislation making the process of multi-state licensing a little easier for those working in the profession from hospitals to schools and nursing homes, that are looking to work across state lines during these challenging times in which there is a critical shortage of nurses.”

For more information, contact:
Daniel Trafford, Publicist
State House Room 20
Providence, RI 02903