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9/16/2024 MEDIA ADVISORY: RIC Social Work Education Commission to hold first meeting tomorrow, Sept. 17
STATE HOUSE – The Special Legislative Commission to Study the Feasibility of Utilizing Federal Title IV Dollars to Support and Enhance Enrollment in Social Work Education at Rhode Island College (RIC) will have its first meeting tomorrow, Sept. 17 at 3 p.m. in Room 101 of the State House.
The purpose of the commission is to study the feasibility of utilizing Federal Title IV-E dollars to leverage and help enroll and graduate students in the field of social work at RIC in order to ultimately serve a Rhode Island state agency.  The goal of providing this funding is to attract and retain front line staff for the Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF).
The commission resulted from legislation introduced by Rep. Julie A. Casimiro (D-Dist. 31, North Kingstown, Exeter).  Representative Casimiro is expected to be elected the chairwoman of the commission at the meeting.
The other members of the commission include Rep. Thomas E. Noret (D-Dist. 25, Coventry, West Warwick); Nicholas Oliver, executive director of the RI Partnership for Home Care; Matthew Gunnip, president of SEIU Local 580; Michael Peno, a social worker at DCYF and a member of SEIU Local 580; Coral Maack, director of Outreach and Recruitment at RIC; Dr.  Samuel Terrazas, dean of the School of Social Work at RIC; Dr. Mary J. Archibald, a professor at the RIC School of Social Work; Camille Capraro, Esq., senior advisor for Governor Daniel J. McKee; Ashley Deckert, director of DCYF; Holly Pacheco of DCYF; Rick Brooks, director of Workforce Development at the Executive Office of Health and Human Services; and Omar Reyes, director of Adult Programs at Office of RI Post-Secondary Education.
The meeting may be televised by Capitol Television on Cox Communications, channels 15 and 61 for high definition; i3 Broadband (formerly Full Channel) on 15; and Verizon, on channel 34.  Livestreaming is available at

For more information, contact:
Andrew Caruolo, Publicist
State House Room 20
Providence, RI 02903