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2/10/2025 Sen. Euer bill would help Rhode Islanders pass on their homes without probate
STATE HOUSE — While Rhode Islanders can avoid the costly and complex process of probate when they pass along financial assets like pension plans and life insurance policies to a named beneficiary, these mechanisms do not exist for Rhode Islanders looking to leave their home to a loved one after their death. Legislation sponsored by Sen. Dawn Euer would give Rhode Islanders this option.

“Every year I hear from constituents who want to pass along the family home without the time, headache and costly legal fees associated with probate or a trust,” said Senator Euer (D-District 13, Newport, Jamestown). “This bill is not for complex or large estates that require a more sophisticated estate planning approach or the expertise of probate court, but rather for working-class Rhode Islanders who simply want to pass their home to their heirs when they pass. This bill gives them a simple, convenient option that is currently unavailable under Rhode Island law.”

Senator Euer’s bill, the Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act (2025-S 0141), would allow owners of real property, such as a home, to use a document called a transfer on death deed to name a beneficiary who will obtain the title upon the owner’s death without the necessity of probate.

Currently 33 states, the District of Columbia and the United States Virgin Islands permit property owners to avoid probate when transferring property with transfer on death deeds or similar deeds such as enhanced life estate or “Lady Bird” deeds.

The act has national support from the American Bar Association’s Real Property Trust and Estate Section, the ABA Commission on Law and Aging, the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and AARP.

For more information, contact:
Tristan Grau, Publicist
State House Room B20
Providence, RI 02903