Speaker Shekarchi and Senate President Ruggerio recognized by United Way on 211 Day
STATE HOUSE - In 2024, United Way’s 211 and the Point programs not only were lifelines Rhode Islanders connected with nearly 213.000 times, but the services also helped save the state more than $1.2 million through reducing the burden of non-emergency calls to 911 and duplication by state agencies. Those were two of the key messages highlighted by the organization on February 11 – National 211 Day – at the State House.
Joined by state leaders, United Way brought attention to the significance of 211 in the Ocean State as a resource for all residents and keyed in on the state programs it helps to lead and support. United Way also emphasized the benefits of 211 to economic growth, noting the organization’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance initiative, which returned more than $18 million in tax refunds to working Rhode Islanders and the state’s economy last year alone.
As part of United Way’s 211 Day celebration, House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi and Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio were recognized for their support of United Way and 211. Majority Whip David P. Tikoian represented the Senate at the event.
“211 is for everyone who lives in Rhode Island, this is a critical public utility that is always there to answer the calls of our state, our neighbors, and of every city and town,” said Cortney Nicolato, president and CEO, United Way of RI. “What we’re talking about has far-reaching social and economic impact – 211 supports the state with responsiveness, streamlined administrative processes, and an infrastructure that realizes significant savings for local communities and the state’s budget.”
United Way brought 211 to Rhode Island in 2007 and has led the service, which includes the state’s Aging and Disability Resource Center, since. Where 211 connects people with essential services when they need them most, like food, housing, and utilities assistance, it also is a vital resource for child and elder care, Medicaid, employment and workforce, and more. As a trusted source of information, 211 is the state’s voter hotline and a partner of RI Emergency Management during times of natural disaster and emergencies, such as supporting residents and the state after the RIBridges data breach.
“United Way’s 211 helpline is an invaluable resource for connecting Rhode Islanders with the housing, food, child care and many other essential needs in these challenging times,” said House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi. “Creating more affordable housing opportunities is a top priority of mine, and I have been proud to work closely with United Way to help some of our most vulnerable residents. The United Way is a tremendous partner in our efforts to better the lives of all Rhode Islanders.”
In looking back at the past year, United Way shared the top presenting needs of Rhode Islanders’ contacts with 211. The top need was housing, followed by utilities assistance, help with rent, and food and meal assistance. For contacts to the Point, the top needs were for long-term services and supports, Medicare and Medicaid, and benefits assistance. With most all touchpoints, 211 and Point specialists uncovered additional need beyond the one that led to their contact with the individual. Also in 2024, United Way’s community outreach team logged 2,210 hours bringing services directly into cities and towns, the equivalent of 92 days.
2024 marked the first year since 211’s local inception in which United Way received state funding for the program, being awarded a FY24 budget appropriation to fund 10 percent of the program’s operations. The organization has appealed to the state for continued and increased funding for 211 in the upcoming budget cycle.
The financial benefits of 211 to the state and to local communities was another aspect highlighted by United Way, particularly the cost avoidance of emergency response. Through reducing 911 burden by directing non-emergency calls to appropriate services and leading administrative processes that free up state and municipal resources, 211 saved Rhode Island more than $1.2 million in 2024. The infrastructure of 211 to handle significant phone volume with trained community specialists realizes a per call savings to the state while also reducing duplication and overlap with state agencies.
“For every dollar invested in our 211 program, the return on that investment is $7.50 for our state – this is something everyone who wants Rhode Island to thrive should support,” added Nicolato. “We know the need keeps growing and that Rhode Islanders are feeling the pinch at every corner. We also know it’s never been clearer that 211 is essential for the wellbeing of our neighbors and critical to the long-term success of our economy.”
For more information, contact: Emily Martineau, Deputy Director of Communications for the Office of the Speaker State House Room 323 Providence, RI 02903 (401) 222-2466